shredded documents

12th Annual NVDS Shred-A-Thon

Address: 4330 Evergreen Lane Ste N, Annandale, VA, United States

Contact: Tracey Dougherty


Register Today!

Please register online or download complete the 2025 Shredathon Registration Form.

Pre-registration is required. 

Please contact Tracey Dougherty at 703/642-5298 or with any questions.

Free Event for NVDS Members

The Northern Virginia Dental Society has contracted with Shred Instead, a secure document destruction company, to shred and dispose of all your old patient, office, and business records (no x-rays). You are also invited to bring any personal documents to the Shred-A-Thon event.

Virginia law states, "A dentist shall maintain complete, legible, and accurate patient records for not less than six years from the last date of service for purposes of review by the board with the following exceptions..." (Please see

 In lieu of a fee for this shredding service, please consider volunteering 4+ hours at our Northern Virginia Dental Clinic in Fairfax or Sterling, or making a small donation to help our clinic continue to care for the underserved. Volunteer or donate today!


  • You must be an NVDS member and register in advance (no walk-ins).
  • Bring a maximum of 25 boxes, each no larger than a case of copy paper.
  • Paper clips, staples, rubber bands, and binder clips may remain attached to your documents.
  • Remove any three-ring binders and plastic folders, as these cannot be recycled.
  • Take your empty boxes with you after your documents have been shredded, as they cannot be left at the NVDS office or placed in the office dumpsters.
  • Do NOT bring X-rays to the shredding event. (Contact NVDS for a list of X-ray shredding companies.)


Thank you Garfield Refining!